The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories From the Sketch Book - Washington Irving, Wayne Franklin

Not as scary as I remember, but still a classic October read.

Over the years, I've read, watched, and listened to a number of headless horseman retellings of Irving's tale, which watered down the original story's impact. So while rereading is fun, the experience isn't as good as when I first read it all those years ago (back when I knew very little about genre tropes and urban legends).


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Sleepy Hollow, the new TV series on Fox, is pretty good. I watched the first 5 episodes in just one rainy weekend and they were exactly what I was looking for: a mix bag of modern crime mystery and thriller set against an end-times conspiracy story arc (that will span the season) and just the right amount of urban legend thrown in.


I was inspired to reread Irving's Sleepy Hollow after watching the show. Even though the two have very little in common--Ichabod Crane and urban legends--it's interesting to offset one against the other while comparing and contrasting tones and tropes.